Pavie Valsa is not just a beacon of talent and resilience but a profound voice in the journey toward authenticity and self-acceptance. Renowned as the UK's number one Britney Spears impersonator, Pavie's multifaceted career spans modeling, content creation, and authorship, with her book "Twenties And Happy" capturing hearts and minds. Her path to womanhood, marked by a childhood of unapologetic femininity and celebrated performances, has been a testament to the power of living one's truth. Coming out as a woman in 2017, Pavie has navigated the complexities of gender identity with grace and courage, finding beauty and liberation in the experience of aligning her external existence with her inner self.


Can you share with us your personal journey of self-discovery and realization of your transgender identity? What were some of the pivotal moments or experiences that led to this understanding?

I’ve been on the feminine spectrum since I can remember. Dressing up in my mums clothes, wearing her shoes, putting on makeup. It was always a form of my self expression. And because I’m a born performer and entertaining people has been in my blood, I used to entertain my friends and family all my childhood. My feminine side was always celebrated and not criticised or judged, so I could shine my true light, which I’m incredibly grateful for because it really helped me later in my life when I came out as a woman in 2017 

How do you personally define womanhood, and what does being a woman mean to you in the context of your transgender identity?

I’d like to start with this: A womanhood means something else for every single woman. I can’t speak for everyone and I know that for every single woman a womanhood means a different thing but to me being a woman is beautiful, empowering and also very emotional. Being assigned male at birth and then realising you’re a woman in your early twenties (because your body doesn’t match with who you are on the isnide) is incredibly frustrating, painful and mentally hard but being able to live as a woman right now is so liberating and it feels beautiful and RIGHT!

Society often has rigid definitions of femininity. How do you navigate and redefine femininity on your own terms, particularly as a transgender woman? What aspects of femininity do you find empowering or liberating?
To me femininity is being calm, soft, gentle and caring. Sometimes just a simple coming inward in myself and surrendering and just being can feel incredibly feminine. I’ve been on hormones past 6 years and I can really see the difference not just physically but mostly mentally! I feel softer, look definitely more feminine, I feel calm, sometimes crazy emotional but also I feel I have this incredible gift of understanding and compassion and being gentle to others which I didn’t really have before. It is all so exciting and beautiful and I’m very comfortable in my femininity at the moment and very thankful.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly the transgender community, what challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them? What support systems or resources have been instrumental in your journey?

The first challenge was the battle and discomfort in my own body (gender dysphoria), that was very hard. Coming to the terms I am transgender, then taking the necessary steps to get to “the other side”. First I started with a private gender GP because the queue on an NHS list was 3 years and I was in so much discomfort I just couldn’t wait any longer. 2 years later I got on board with 56 Dean Street which is an incredible place run by NHS. The staff and nurses are LGBTQ+ themselves, it’s a safe environment and all the blood tests and doctor appointments are much easier and faster. They also offer a psychological support and a voice coaching which helped me a lot too. I know that I have to take hormones for the rest of my life and I know I will always experience some form of gender dysphoria and discomfort within myself but I’ve learnt to be ok with it and accept it.The other big challenge is transphobia. It is very exhausting to just exist and be a constant target of hate, bullying and prejudices from people that don’t know your journey or don’t even know anyone else who is transgender. These hateful interactions from uneducated and ignorant people make it really hard for us and our mental health. Thankfully, I have an amazing support from my friends and family who are always there for me and make me feel like I’m not in this alone.

In celebration of International Transgender Day, could you share any initiatives or advocacy work you're involved in that aims to uplift and empower the transgender community? How do you envision creating a more inclusive and supportive society for transgender individuals?
I’d love to live in an inclusive, loving society where people love and respect one another. That’s the dream. Until then we have to share our stories because our stories are incredibly powerful and can really make a big difference. People just need to be educated on transgender issues, so they know we just want to live our best lives, have accessible healthcare, be happy and we definitely don’t want cause any harm or hurt others with our identity. I’m so thankful for trans allies who help us to be louder and stronger because we are a really smart percentage of the society and can’t fight this alone. 

Lastly, what message would you like to share with our audience, especially those who may be struggling with their gender identity or navigating their own journey of self-acceptance and authenticity? What words of encouragement or advice do you have for them?

Firstly, anyone who is reading this right now and is struggling with their own identity or has a family member that is about to transition I’m sending you a big virtual hug and lots of strength. It is not easy. But is it worth it? Absolutely! We live our lives only once, so we might as well be the best and most authentic versions of ourselves, right?! Authenticity is the deepest truth. And living our life truthfully without any regrets feels so beautiful and sweet. And real! If I could do it you could do it too! And if you feel like you are alone or you’re not brave enough to come out reach out to trans organisations or charities. You’ll definitely get the right help there. Much love to everyone! And a huge thanks to everyone who is supporting our community. Your help is very much appreciated.